This isn’t the site you’re looking for

A fair number of people find Dynamic Ecology via search engines. WordPress provides the search term used by every person who finds us via a search engine (don’t worry, all we see is the search term, not any information on who or where the search came from). Just for laughs, I thought I’d do a quick post on those search terms.

By far the most common one is “dynamic ecology” and variants thereon. But leaving those terms aside, there are some interesting rarer ones.

Apparently, 31 people have found the site by searching on “us”?! I have no idea what to make of that. Could it have something to do with how Google personalizes search results?

I’m kind of proud that 3 people found us by searching on “ecology”. And that 2 people found us by searching on “how to become a true ecologist”.

The EEB and Flow may be annoyed to learn that someone once found us by searching on “eeb and flow”. And similarly for the 3 people who found us by searching on “andrew gelman“.

I once did a post on “exapting your own scientific gear”. Which I assume is how 2 people with an unfortunate typo in their search term found us by searching on “how the f— you exapting her to know”.

Someone once found us by searching on “i’m kicking your ass”. Make of that what you will.

To whoever found us by searching on “peer review is shit?”: no, I wouldn’t go that far.

To whoever found us by searching on “difficult questions in ecology with answers”, you came to the right place!

To whoever found us by searching on “pickup lines for ecology”, I was never one for pickup lines, but maybe our readers can help you out.

To whoever found us by searching on “growing beard out breaks concentration”, you’ll have to ask Brian if that’s true, he’s the only one here with a beard.

Finally, I’m pretty sure that the 2 people who found us by searching on “publicly doing it” didn’t find what they were looking for here. πŸ™‚

p.s. In case you didn’t know, the title of this post is a reference to Obi-Wan Kenobi’s famous line in Star Wars, “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.”

4 thoughts on “This isn’t the site you’re looking for

    • You told your SEO consultants to do everything in their power to make searches on “under-appreciated genius” point to your blog, didn’t you? πŸ˜‰ Much as I did with “ecology”. πŸ˜‰

      • Ah hold on dang it, turns out the phrase is “under-appreciated genus”.

        Well good to know I’m considered to be higher than just your typical subspecies anyway.

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