Where do you look for academic jobs in ecology?

It’s job season! If you’re on the market for an academic position, where do you look?* Here are the resources I know of. Suggest others in the comments!

Ecology and Evolution-specific resources:
Ecology jobs wiki, 2014-2015 edition

More general resources:
Chronicle Vitae
Higher Ed Jobs
Science Careers

I think the ecology and evolution-specific resources (and word of mouth) are probably responsible for most people learning about positions. I know some schools think it’s important to put a job ad in Science, but I personally don’t think that matters. People I know are using wikis and listservs to find positions, and a print ad in Science isn’t likely to even be on their radar; to me, that money seems like it could be better used for something else.

But that’s just my impression. Here’s a quick poll for those of you who’ve been on the job market in the past 3-4 years:

It will be interesting to see how people are finding jobs to apply for!

Thanks to Katie Boes for the post idea!


*In the future, I’d like to do a post on where to look for non-academic positions. Leave suggestions in the comments!

9 thoughts on “Where do you look for academic jobs in ecology?

  1. A few more links:

    Academic Jobs (faculty and post-docs)

    Texas A & M Wildlife Jobs Board: http://wfscjobs.tamu.edu/?job_category=faculty-appointments
    ESA Physiological Section Jobs Board: http://biology.duke.edu/jackson/ecophys/faculty.html

    Non-academic Jobs

    Ornithological Societies of North America Jobs Board: http://www.osnabirds.org/jobs.aspx
    Texas A & M Wildlife Jobs Board: http://wfscjobs.tamu.edu/?job_category=full-time-positions
    Society for Conservation Biology Jobs Board: http://www.conbio.org/professional-development/scb-job-board
    The Wildlife Society Listserv (TWS-L): http://wildlife.org/tws-l

    Federal Jobs

    usajobs.gov [relevant occupational series for ecologists to search include: 0408 (Ecology),
    0430 (Botany), 0414 (Entomology), 0480 (Fish and Wildlife Administration),0482 (Fish Biology),
    0460 (Forestry), 0440 (Genetics), 0410 (Zoology), 0486 (Wildlife Biology), 0415 (Toxicology),
    0470 (Soil Science), or just search ‘Biological Sciences’ in the ‘Occupational Series or Job
    Category’ tab in the advanced job search page].

  2. For me, based in Europe, respective sections of newsletters or websites of societies (for example Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland or Society for Ecological Restoration…) are also of high interrest!

  3. That fact that a lot of jobs DON’T post in Science/Nature, it means you have to use listservs, etc. to find all the available jobs. However, the fact that you can use Science/Nature to construct a daily email with jobs applicable only to your own search terms (ecology, evolution, or even more specific terms), made this a very valuable resource for me. I suspect this is even more true for jobs outside the US, but not sure. It’s unfortunate that searching for jobs also requires one to sign-up for some of the nonsense discussions that happen on Ecolog (NOT that there aren’t also valuable discussions on Ecolog!)

  4. Here in Canada there are also websites like canadian society for ecology and evolution
    csee-scee.ca ; quebec center for biodiversity science qcbs.ca ; canadian rivers institute canadianriversinstitute.com ; university affairs universityaffairs.ca
    some universities’ biology section have gathered a bunch of links to find jobs (here at http://www.eeb.utoronto.ca/Learning/career.htm) ;
    Internationally there is also conbio.org

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