Useful links related to tenure track job searches in ecology (last update Oct 2019)

I’m posting my Friday links separately and early this week. They’re all related to faculty job searches, so a separate post for them seemed like a good idea. The links:

1. Spencer Hall maintains a really useful set of links on his grad resources page. Scroll down to the section entitled “Advice on getting a faculty job or other kinds of jobs”.

2. Marissa Baskett also maintains a great page with lots and lots of useful links. Check her page out, too.

3. Not ecology-specific, but Dr. Becca has a TT job search advice aggregator that is also very good (not just because it links to my post on illegal questions).

4. Hope Jahren’s post on “How to get a faculty job in 20 not-so-easy steps”. It’s very well-written and simultaneously funny and depressing. . . which might mean you might not actually want to read it if you’re on the job market. It was originally posted anonymously on Jacquelyn Gill’s blog, but is now available as a pdf in cartoon form. Her “wear a catheter” advice reminds me of the most useful advice I got related to job interviews: “Never pass a bathroom without going in”.

5. If you haven’t already seen Jeremy’s (thorough!) post on how North American faculty search committees work, that is definitely worth a read, too.

6. From Terry McGlynn, lots of great advice on seeking a job at a teaching institution. (Added 11/7/13)

7. From Jeremy: Bob Holt’s advice to faculty job applicants (along with advice on the value of a PhD as more than just as a gateway into academia) (pdf link) (Added 11/8/13)

8. Joan Strassmann has a series of posts related to TT job searches, including this and this and this and this and this and this. (Thanks to Jeremy for the reminder about these posts!) (Added 11/8/13)

9. Owen Petchey’s career advice (ht: Jeremy) (Added 11/8/13)

10. The job wiki, with information about the status of various searches (Added 2/7/14, thanks to a comment from lindae) (UPDATE August 2016: Here’s the 2016 version) UPDATE Oct. 2017: you can always go to to see the current year’s ecology jobs wiki.

11. How to format your CV for a faculty job application (by me; Added 9/1/16)

12. Some American universities use score sheets to rank faculty job applicants (added Aug. 2017)

13. You can’t estimate your odds of getting a faculty position from common quantitative metrics (added Aug. 2017).

14. A pair of guest posts from Greg Crowther on what he learned from the teaching job that slipped through his fingers, and the happy ending to his tenure-track job search. (added Aug. 2017)

15. What makes for a good mock teaching demonstration. (added Aug. 2017)

16. Recent N. American asst. professor hires in ecology are 57% women. (added Oct. 2017) UPDATE Oct. 2018: Still 57% after adding in a third year’s worth of data.

17. Internal candidates are rarely hired for N. American asst. professor positions in ecology and allied fields. And you cannot tell which positions will be filled by internal candidates, so don’t bother trying and don’t worry about internal candidates when deciding what positions to apply for. (added Oct. 2017)

18. Contrary to what you may have heard, the faculty job market in ecology is not dominated by ads for “quantitative” ecologists. Nor is it short on ads for field ecologists. (added Oct. 2017)

19. Recently-hired asst. professors of ecology hardly ever have a pre-existing collaboration with someone in the hiring department (added June 2018)

20. Only a minority of newly-hired tenure-track asst. profs of ecology have Science/Nature/PNAS papers, even at big research universities (added June 2018)

21. No newly-hired tenure-track asst. profs of ecology were hired where they got their PhDs (scroll down to the footnotes; added June 2018)

22. Most newly-hired tenure-track asst. profs of ecology are postdocs at the time of their hiring, not tenure-track asst. profs or visiting asst. profs (added June 2018)

23. The graduates of “top” ecology PhD programs do not comprise a disproportionate share of newly-hired faculty, not even at “top” universities (added June 2018)

24. Advice from me and a bunch of other people on how much to customize your faculty job application to the hiring institution (as opposed to, e.g., tailoring only to the type of institution). And here is related advice from Terry McGlynn.

25. Newly hired TT asst. profs of ecology got their bachelor’s degrees from a huge range of places (added Oct. 2018)

26. You don’t need nearly as many first-authored papers in leading journals to compete for a TT faculty position in ecology at an R1 university as you probably think you do. (added Oct. 2018)

27. Few newly-hired N. American asst. profs in ecology and allied fields had famous PhD supervisors, even if you restrict attention to new hires at R1s. (added Oct. 2018)

28. N. American TT ecology faculty positions are rarely filled by someone with a current or previous educational or employment connection to the hiring institution. (added Oct. 2018)

29. Newly-hired N. American TT ecology asst. profs were mostly postdocs at the time they were hired. And very few were in non-academic employment. (added Oct. 2018)

30. How to interpret emails inviting you to apply for TT faculty positions (added Nov. 2018)

31. The distribution of Google Scholar h-indices of newly-hired N. American TT asst. professors in ecology and allied fields (added Nov. 2018)

32. Recently hired TT Canadian ecology asst. profs are the same as recently hired TT American ecology asst. profs in every measurable way (added Feb. 2019)

33. A statistical profile of EEB faculty job applicants (added Mar. 2019)

34. What fraction of recent-ish ecology PhD recipients went on to TT faculty positions? (added Apr. 2019)

35. What fraction of recently-hired TT ecology asst. profs leave for another TT position within their first two years? (added July 2019)

36. What’s the typical teaching experience of recently-hired TT ecology asst. profs? (added July 2019)

37. How often are TT ecology asst profs hired near where they got their PhDs? (added Oct. 2019)

38. Are there any generalities about TT ecology asst profs who move from one TT position to another? (added Oct. 2019)

Please suggest others in the comments!